Sunday, September 30, 2007

The LORD's Day September 30, 2007

The Purpose of the Proverbs

Proverbs 1.1-7

Proverbs is a book in the Bible that could be subtitled, “Learn and Live”. We use the old saying to comfort people when they have made a mistake, “Well you live and learn.” Proverbs is written so that we could avoid many mistakes, sins and wrong paths. It is a book of life in a positive sense as well. It tells us what to do, the right attitude to have and the life decisions that will bring God’s blessings rather than sin’s consequences.

The Proverbs helps us to avoid unnecessary pain and suffering in our life. They are the stepping stones along the straight path that leads to life and heaven. Listen to them and obey them and you will experience God’s blessings, including His discipline. Ignore them and you will play the fool, someone the Proverbs often refers to.

Training and learning and growing are challenging experiences. Good things come out of them but sometimes the path is not the one of least resistance. One of the reasons people do not follow Jesus is because of persecution. It is also because that when we do we are submitting as He did to our Father in Heaven. The first section of the Proverbs tells us about things like this. It explains in detail what the purpose of the Proverbs are. Today there is an abundance of little sayings about life. The Proverbs are far beyond that. They are far beyond cute little sayings and go right into the heart and soul of the people who read them and they even speak of the heart and soul of those who do not.

Through this fall and into winter we are going to look at these wonderful words of life.

1. The Proverbs are for Right Thinking -v.2

for attaining wisdom and discipline

The word wisdom in this verse means “skill in war”.

We are in spiritual battle. That battle is spoken about throughout the Proverbs. It is the LORD against Satan, Good against evil, Righteousness against sinfulness. The Proverbs helps us to be skilled in fighting this battle. We sharpen our spiritual senses through spending time in the Proverbs.

For example Proverbs 15.1 says, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Have you ever answered someone who was mad at you with a harsh word and watched the battle escalate? Afterwards you thought, “I wish I could take that back This is not good.” Well a gentle answer turns away wrath. When my girls were growing up that was hung on the refrigerator door and they memorized it. Some of us need to memorize it so we can practice it.

Let me go a step further. I was with two of my daughters this week for a little while. In our conversation we talked about a professional person whom we all have seen. The girls spoke about the receptionist in the office. She is mean. I am sure there is something just below the surface in her life that is causing her to be this way. One day the LORD (I know it was from Him because of the results) put it my heart to ask her about her son- she had pictures of him on her desk. Her heart melted and opened and the sweetness displaced the anger. I told the girls to talk to her about her child and see what happens. A gentle answer... here is some of the wonder of the Proverbs... an answer is a response... gentle means soft, tender, delicate. See how this works. We reap what we sow.

This word wisdom has to do with administration. Getting things done God give us wisdom on making the most of every opportunity. Help us not to waste time. Help us to get proper rest and nutrition.

Wisdom is also shrewdness. Jesus commended the manager in Luke 16 for this. The Proverbs helps us develop this. Many Christians lack it.

for attaining wisdom and discipline
discipline-chastening, correction. The Proverbs are part of God’s Word. Hebrews 4.12 For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. God’s Word cuts into us. It exposes our inner most thoughts and corrects us. We are inwardly changed by God’s Word coming into our hearts.

One of the purposes of the Proverbs is to bring correction to our lives. As we make this journey through it the next 6 months we will see this truth become a reality in our own lives Open your heart to the Truth and Jesus Himself will touch you and set you free in ways you may not even be aware of that you have need of at this moment.
for understanding words of insight
understanding = discernment
I pray that all of God’s people would be given an increase of discernment. We all have a measure of discernment because of Jesus being inside. His Spirit gives us this (I John 2.20-27).Some have the spiritual gift of discernment. Most of us need to seek it like Paul said to in I Corinthians 14.1 Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts...
Proverbs helps us develop this gift. There are many things that enhance spiritual gifts as we read and study God’s Word and discernment is one of them. There is so much pain and confusion that could be avoided if this gift were more active in the lives of believers. False teacher would not be having the response and following they are.

The reading and studying of the Proverbs help us distinguish spirits. They show us what is behind certain actions and even attitudes of people. They open human hearts.

2. The Proverbs are for Right Living. v.3

for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life,

acquiring=marry, take a wife, snatch, take away
Become one with the Proverbs. Let the Word of God dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom. This is a book of the Bible that is meant to be shared with each other, quoted to one another, used a counseling tool between believers. As I spend time in the Proverbs, I am snatching up the truth and living right.

prudent= look upon with insight
We look at life emotionally and financially. What does it cost? How will it make me feel? We look at it as we shared recently that we are going to heaven on beds of ease. We seldom look on it with insight, learning from our own lives and the lives of others. To be prudent is to look on it in this way- gaining insight from life’s lessons.

One of the purposes of the Proverbs is to help us enjoy life. It is to help us avoid bad situations and bad people and bad attitudes. It promotes healthy living from an emotional spiritual standpoint. It tells us how to avoid financial stress and the benefits that come from not being rich. It is straightens out wrong thinking and helps us live right.

doing what is right and just and fair

fair=evenness, uprightness, straightness, equity, evenness, level, smoothness

Micah 6.8 He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

3. The Proverbs are for Simple People and Young People. v.4

One of the purposes of the Proverbs is help the simple and the young, those lacking wisdom, spiritual maturity. It makes up what they lack in learning from life and experience.

for giving prudence to the simple,
prudence=shrewdness, craftiness
Once again Jesus commended the manager in Luke 16 for his shrewdness. So many times God’s people do not possess that. We are naive. The simple are naive and need to learn to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

for giving prudence to the simple
simple= naive, foolish, open minded

There is a sense in which being open minded over some things is an asset. There are other things we need to be tough minded about. There are non-negotiable things. The Word of God gives us things that cannot be altered. There some things that are always wrong, no matter what the circumstances. We need to be closed minded about such things. The simple are open minded about all things. I remember hearing things along the path of life from others. They were condoning sinful behavior in others and that is wrong. It used to upset (still does) my spirit.

knowledge and discretion to the young-
knowledge= perception, skill, discernment, understanding, wisdom

The Proverbs gives all these things to the young. How children and teens need this. Look at the passage we read this week and how young people bent on doing evil try and bring along someone who has been brought up to know better. Discernment will keep a young person from going down the wrong track, from getting his feet on the path that leads to destruction. Such discernment is received from the Proverbs. Let’s encourage the young people in our life by teaching them these things.

4. The Wise and Discerning Grow By Proverbs -v.5-6
Let the wise listen (implied obedience) and add to their learning (insight)
and let the discerning get guidance(direction, counsel, guidance, good advice, wise counsel direction)- for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise. We need wisdom to understand the Proverbs. We need the LORD to help us interpret His Word, to understand the depth of it. He will help us.

So many are in a state of arrested spiritual development . We ought to be growing in our knowledge about God’s Word and growing in the grace of God and fruit of the Spirit. Proverbs is a book that helps us feed the inner man with spiritual truth for life. It helps even those who are well along on the path to grow. Do you see the implication here? We ought to all be growing until we see Jesus face to face and become like Him. Follow His example We are told in Luke’s Gospel as a boy, Luke 2.52 And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.

Doesn’t it amaze you at times how much you need to grow in becoming more like Jesus? The Proverbs are given to help us on that path. We are on the way to heaven and on it we reflect more and more of the LORD Whom we are looking to.

They are for all of us

Let’s grow in love, wisdom and grace
The LORD’s Day
September 30, 2007

We Worship In Singing
We Worship In Prayer
We Worship In Hearing the Word of God
The Purpose of the Proverbs Proverbs 1

*Tithes and Offerings can be placed in the box at the rear of the sanctuary*
Please join us for coffee and bagels downstairs if you are visiting today.
Prayer Meeting - 6pm at the parsonage

This Week
Bible Reading Proverbs 2
Monday Men’s Prayer Meeting 6:30am in the church basement
Wednesday Bible Study- 7:30pm at the Parsonage
Thursday Bible Study 10:30am at the church
Next Lord’s Day
Morning Prayer- 10am in the church basement
Morning Worship- 10:30am(Sunday School for Children) The LORD’s Supper
Spanish Service- 4pm

In Your Prayers For All of God’s People

Remember the men serving in the armed forces: Bradley, Julia Bujold’s grandson with Special Forces in Afghanistan, home on leave right now, Ken Brown, Pastor’s friend’s son on his third tour of Iraq- He will be home soon. Please pray for the whole family. Billy Knapp, Jr. in Iraq with the Marines (neighbor of the church and Pastor- Billy’s sister graduated from Good Shepherd). He is due home at Thanksgiving. Matthew Klaus, brother of Good Shepherd parent in Iraq as a firefighter for Haliburton. Pastor’s nephews’ and niece’s cousin Kim’s husband, Jay, in Iraq. Pray for them and the others away from their families. Praise God for keeping David Louis, Jake Morgan and Tom Hindelang safe during their times in Iraq. Please pray for Johnathan Kruzner (friend’s son of Rudy Migliore) who lost his arm from a roadside bomb in Iraq this month. Christine Frankland, Katharina’s daughter, went to be with the LORD yesterday afternoon. Remember Robert, her husband and Jonathan, her son as well as Katharina and the rest of the family. Kathy, Ziggy and Margot’s daughter-in-law, under the doctor’s care for fibromyalgia. Thank God for answers to prayer for her. Pray for Eloise Brooks’ Family during this time of loss and sorrow... Remember Jean Louis on dialysis. Grace Martin, Edie Raevis’ daughter, recovering from surgery on her back and uindergoing Physical Therapy. Edie’s daughter’s mother-in-law, Millie Espisito has a severe infection and is in grave condition. Reginald Mooney, friend of Terri and John Garry, with a tumor in his kidney. Please remember Pastor’s friend Kim Richardson’s daughter, Kelly had a mastectomy this past Tuesday. Please remember this whole family in prayer. Pastor Jerry Bonfiglio’s family who has been through so much grief this summer... Leah May’s cousin, Joan, respiratory problems now home. Leah was taken to the hospital following Eloise’s funeral on Thursday. She is home now... Lucy Mancini under Orthopedic Specialist’s care and physical therapy for pain and injuries resulting from the accident. Pastor’s Dad., Larry Mancini, Sr. came through surgery to remove a blood clot on the brain very well Friday. Stephen Huges, brother of a Good Shepherd Nursery School Mom, their parents home in Hewlett was destroyed in a fire.. Please remember Dr. And Mrs. Mucci in your prayers as well as Judy’s daughter Tatum. Alice Gordon’s brother, Everette, in Illinois, two blood infections along with another serious medical condition. Mary Von Fricken was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. She is having pacemaker problems as well. Anka’s family in their time of loss and grief. Joey Reda (Charlie and Diane Davison’s Grandson) experiencing some heart arrhythmia and had been wearing an event monitor for this past week to record them. Pastor’s friend, Rudy Migliore, received a very good report from the doctors this week.
Romans 12.15

*If you are would like to put together a shoe box for a needy child this Christmas see Margot for information.*

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The LORD's Day September 23, 2007

When A Believer Dies
I Thessalonians 4.13-18

Three people associated with our congregation went to be with the LORD this week. Tuesday, Lucy and I were praying with Anka, hours before she left for Romania. Her dad had died and she was going there to be with her family. Late Wednesday Night Judy Mucci, Dr and Mrs. Mucci’ daughter went to be with the LORD. Her funeral will be this week in Pittsburgh. Friday morning early the phone rang with the news of Eloise’s going to be with Jesus. I read this passage to her family that morning. She had told me a number of times in the rehab, as she was getting ready for her prosthesis that she was going to surprise me one Sunday and walk into church. The skeptic would say, “See that never happened.” I would say, “Something more far more wonderful than that is happening ” She is walking around heaven this morning and without an artificial limb. She is with the One who died for her.
Yesterday morning early around 5am the LORD drew me to this message for today. I was prepared to speak on Proverbs 1. After I had finished it I received a phone my Dad had a serious fall and was taken by ambulance to the hospital. This morning bleeding on his brain has spread... He is in the LORD’s Hands. We will leave right after church this morning.
We are to use this truth in this passage regularly and in special times (like at the death of a loved one) when we need it.
Encourage each other with these words...
to call to one's side, call for, summon, to address, speak to, (call to, call upon), which may be done in the way of exhortation, comfort, instruction.
to admonish,
to beg, beseech
to console, to encourage and strengthen by consolation, to comfort,
to be comforted
to instruct, teachAs believers we have the ultimate comfort for life and death. Jesus has sent us the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth (His Spirit) to be with us forever. He has given us the Promise of His Return and with that the Promise of the resurrection for all who died believing on Him. The video tape from 1986 this week. We need this truth. We need this truth this morning.

1. We need this truth as we face the loss of a loved one.
We have memories the LORD gave us and God has told us in His Word that the memory of the righteous will be a blessing. That is a blessing but that does not take the place of the loss. However this section of scripture contains promises for us specifically for the loss and grief we feel. It is a love letter from God’s heart to ours about the grand reunion coming up.
We are told in Psalm 34.18 The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. and in Psalm 147.3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
Human loss through death is unlike any other experience we will ever go through. A premature death (like the Muccis are facing today), one out of order, is even worse. Healing can only really come through the LORD’s touch and His Word and after that we have only the scars.
There is a loneliness in grief. Life does go on and we feel the world should stop, at least for a while, to acknowledge our loss. But it does not. It is akin to the closing scene in the classic movie starring Gary Cooper called Pride of the Yankees. Lou Geherig’s Story... where they have pre game festivities honoring him because he can no longer play the game he loved due to illness. As he walks off the field and into the dugout and down the hall to the clubhouse, you hear the umpire yell out, “Play Ball ”. Life goes on. Grief is something we face by and large alone with Jesus. We feel it is not right for the world to continue because our world has come crashing down. It seems almost disrespectful for it to continue. Seeing people laugh doesn’t seem right. There seems to be an emptiness in it.
Facing a loved one’s death- the death of someone we loved and who loved us is one of the most difficult things to do. But one day all these things will be done away with. Death will be swallowed up in victory That is the point of this passage. That is the ultimate comfort
We need to quote and share this passage more than we are doing. When someone is facing the loss of a loved one we need to put this passage into practice. When we are facing the loss of a loved one we need to hear this from others. It doesn’t change the fact of death; it does put it in perspective.
I know this passage has helped me this week. I know it is helping family members. We will read it after Eloise’s funeral here on Thursday Morning out at Calverton.
God comforts us with the truth of His Word, the ministry of His Holy Spirit and through His people, the Church of Jesus Christ.

2. We need this truth as we face our own mortality.
We need this truth because we are so often being told aging is a bummer and we should do all we can to avoid it What utter nonsense That is living in denial not to mention that people make themselves look foolish as well.
It can be depressing to get old or it can be wonderful. Everyday with Jesus is sweeter than the day before. Often we do it without this promise close at hand and embedded in our heart. Listen to Paul’s words in Romans 13.11-12 ... Understanding the present time...our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed... the day is almost here. The Day of Jesus’ Return or the day when we will meet Him after we finish our life here. I have trouble sometimes waiting for that time. I called on the LORD to come several times this week. Maranatha is in my heart this morning! It is going to be wonderful- far beyond words.
2 Corinthians 4.16 - Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day. For our present troubles are quite small and won't last long ... But the joys to come will last forever
The truth is, unless Jesus comes first, we will die one day. There is an end coming for all of us. When we think of that there should be a sense of urgency-
I want to finish well. I want to hit the finish line in full stride. I want to be more like Jesus.

Jesus impressed the fact upon His disciples while He was here on earth that we would all stand before Him one day. There will be a time of giving account of our lives. There will be a separation of the righteous and unrighteous. This Truth sobers us. We need to think soberly about our own mortality. But we should not be morbid or think about it alone without the whole truth. D.L. Moody said, “One day you will pick up the paper and read Dwight L. Moody has died. Don’t you believe it For on that day I shall be more alive than I have ever been ”

3. We need this truth for daily living.
Coping with life itself can wear a soul out Facing the loss of a loved one is exhasting We need to be renewed everyday, especially in this time we are living in “Outwardly we are wasting away... inwardly we are being renewed day by day - II Corinthians 4.16

What a great renewal is our hope and trust in the LORD’s Word and this His own word. This comfort and encouragement is exhortation. We need to be exhorted, to be spurred on, to be told the truth each day.

Our faith is a daily faith. The thought of it being confined to Sunday is ridiculous. We come together to worship but serving the LORD takes place in the other 6 days.

We need to consider the possibility of going into eternity each and every day. This has a purifying effect on our lives. It keeps life in perspective and is has benefits whether it happens today or not.

If we go on living a full span of years then we need this truth to remind us we are looking for a Savior from heaven. But our citizenship is in heaven and we eagerly await a Savior from there, the LORD Jesus Christ. (Philippians 3.20)

Think with me about the “there” for a moment... the seat of order of things eternal.. The place Jesus told us He was going to prepare. That which is perfect where God dwells with cherubs and seraphim and the souls of those who have died in the LORD. The place where there is no more death, sorrow, pain or tears. That is where we belong.
4. We need this truth as a tool to use to help those who are grieving.

What a golden opportunity we have to show Christ’s love. What an awesome responsibility The church knows how to help its own in their grief. God has given us this direction here. There is no grieving group or counselor that can help like the Church does. The comfort in loss is that Jesus is with us.

I believe when we fall short it is often because we are not comfortable.
It also may be selfish. C.S. Lewis wrote about this. In his journals following his wife’s death, that were published into a book, A Grief Observed, he tells about meeting couples and feeling them say to themselves, “One day one of us will be like him.” He felt avoided due to the fact that people his age didn’t want to think about this happening to them one day. Many avoid talking about death or dealing with it because of this. But God’s Word stands and is very plain. We are to comfort each other.
to call to one's side, call for, summon, to address, speak to, (call to, call upon), which may be done in the way of exhortation, entreaty, comfort, instruction, etc.
to admonish, to beg, beseech
to console, to encourage and strengthen by consolation, to comfort, to be comforted to instruct, teach

5. We need this truth to keep our hearts filled with hope.
To be comforted ...
This, like so many other truths in God’s Word, works in a reciprocal manner. We comfort and as we do we are comforted. We encourage and we are encouraged. Now this should not be our motive, that would be selfish. It is a benefit of obedience. Our hearts should be set on comforting others. When we do this we will be comforted. I was always blessed on my visits to Eloise. I’ll miss her and them.

We need to keep this truth in our heart because we need to be filled with hope. I do hope there will be reforms in our nation spiritually. I so desire to see the values I grew up with once again n the lives of the people called Americans. If this does not occur I will be still be filled with hope- Christ in you the Hope of Glory

We cannot live according to the flesh and expect to reap the Spirit. We cannot live for this world and then expect to be filled with the hope of eternity. It doesn’t work that way. We will be filled with what our hearts are set on. If we set our hearts on heaven our hearts will be filled with the hope of heaven. Likewise anyone who hopes in this world will be disappointed.

As followers of Jesus we have been given this instruction, admonition in God’s Word: I Thessalonians 4.13-18
Let us encourage each other and all the more as we see the day of Christ’s coming approaching.

The LORD’s Day

September 23, 2007

We Worship In Singing
We Worship In Prayer
We Worship In Hearing the Word of God
When a Believer Dies I Thessalonians 4.13-18

*Tithes and Offerings can be placed in the box at the rear of the sanctuary*
Please join us for coffee and bagels downstairs if you are visiting today.

This Week
Bible Reading Proverbs 1-2
Monday Men’s Prayer Meeting 6:30am in the church basement
Wednesday &Thursday Bible Study will not meet this week
Next Lord’s Day
Morning Prayer- 10am in the church basement
Morning Worship- 10:30am(Sunday School for Children)
Spanish Service- 4pm
Prayer Meeting- 6pm
In Your Prayers For All of God’s People
Remember the men serving in the armed forces: Bradley, Julia Bujold’s grandson with Special Forces in Afghanistan, home on leave right now, Ken Brown, Pastor’s friend’s son on his third tour of Iraq- He will be there until next month. Please pray for the whole family. Billy Knapp, Jr. in Iraq with the Marines (neighbor of the church and Pastor- Billy’s sister graduated from Good Shepherd). He is due home at Thanksgiving. Matthew Klaus, brother of Good Shepherd parent in Iraq as a firefighter for Haliburton. Pastor’s nephews’ and niece’s cousin Kim’s husband, Jay, in Iraq. Pray for them and the others away from their families. Praise God for keeping David Louis, Jake Morgan and Tom Hindelang safe during their times in Iraq. Please pray for Johnathan Kruzner (friend’s son of Rudy Migliore) who lost his arm from a roadside bomb in Iraq last week. Christine Frankland, Katharina’s daughter undergoing chemotherapy beginning tomorrow. Remember Robert, her husband and Jonathan, her son as well as Katharina. Kathy, Ziggy and Margot’s daughter-in-law, under the doctor’s care for fibromyalgia. Thank God for answers to prayer for her. Pray for Eloise Brooks’ Family...
Eloise went to be with the LORD this week. arrangements are at
Boyd Claude R Caratozzolo Funeral Home 1785 Deer Park Avenue Deer Park on Wednesday Evening at 7pm. The funeral will be here at the church on Thursday Morning at 10am with the burial to follow at Calverton.
Remember Jean Louis on dialysis. Grace Martin, Edie Raevis’ daughter, recovering from surgery on her back. Edie’s daughter’s mother-in-law, Millie Espisito has a severe infection and is in grave condition. Reginald Mooney, friend of Terri and John Garry, with a tumor in his kidney. Please remember Pastor’s friend Kim Richardson’s daughter, Kelly scheduled for a mastectomy this Tuesday. Please remember this whole family in prayer.. Jeannie Rocarro recovering from surgery. Pastor Jerry Bonfiglio’s family who has been through so much grief this summer... Leah May’s cousin, Joan, respiratory problems,coming home. Lucy Mancini under Orthopedic Specialist’s care and physical therapy for pain and injuries resulting from the accident. Pastor’s Dad., Larry Mancini, Sr. with bleeding on the brain in Neurological Intensive Care following a fall yesterday. Stephen Huges, brother of a Good Shepherd Nursery School Mom, their parents home in Hewlett was destroyed in a fire. Judy Mucci went to be with the LORD late Wednesday night. Please remember her and Dr. And Mrs. Mucci this week in your prayers as well as Judy’s daughter Tatum. Alice Gordon’s brother, Everette, in Illinois, two blood infections along with another serious medical condition. Mary Von Fricken was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. She has had pacemaker problems as well. Anka’s family - her dad went to be with the LORD this week in Romania. Joey Reda (Charlie and Diane Davison’s Grandson) experiencing some heart arrhythmia and has been wearing an event monitor for this week to record them. Good Shepherd Nursery School -let’s remember the staff and students in prayer as well as the children of our fellowship in this first month of school.
*If you are would like to put together a shoe box for a needy child this Christmas see Margot for information.*

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The LORD's Day September 16, 2007

The LORD On High
Psalm 148.1-6

This is one of the Hallelujah Psalms, those psalms beginning and ending with the words, “Praise the LORD” which in Hebrew is “Hallelujah.”

The first part of this Psalm takes us from earth to heaven. We need to look to the skies. We need to remember that our citizenship is in heaven. We need to let the LORD take us in spirit to the place of His dwelling. Our hearts should be set on heaven. Paul writes to the Colossian Church, “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, Who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. (Colossians 3.1-4)

This world is full of trouble. Jesus told us we would have trouble in this world. Oswald Chambers wrote, “We say we do not expect God to take us to heaven on flowery beds of ease, and yet we act as if we do ” We really do expect life to get to a place of bliss here on earth. We want heaven here on earth. A friend told me recently of his desire in his youth to live in a near perfect place. He thought he had found it at one point. Then reality came in. The truth is there is no paradise here on earth- that is why Jesus said to the dying thief, “Today, you will be with me in Paradise.” It isn’t here in this world. It is in the world to come.

It is futile trying to find it. Some of the most disillusioned people I know are the ones who think and act like what Oswald Chambers wrote about: those who expect to go to heaven on beds of ease. Heaven is where the LORD dwells and where one day He will bring all those who are faithful to Him. Right now we live in a world that is full of sin.

This Psalm lifts us to heaven, where the LORD is. While we can’t go until the LORD brings us there we must keep these things in mind.

1. We need continual contact with Heaven.

The Psalms help us do this. This particular psalm is naturally divided into two distinct sections. The first is verses one through six. This section speaks of the LORD in heaven. He is in on high. High above the earth and the heavens is the God’s Throne. We need to be in continual contact with what is happening there.

*Prayer is the avenue. Too often we think of prayer in the area of asking God for things and that is certainly part of it. But a great deal of prayer and this psalm is an example is praise. Giving God glory is being in tune with what goes on around His throne day and night. Look closely at Isaiah 6 and Revelation 4-5 and let the LORD use that to get your heart in tune with Him.

*Prayer is praising God. We need to do that. Every human being on earth today worships something or someone. Some worship sports heroes or music or movie celebrities. Other worship nature. Many people worship themselves.

God’s people worship Him. In our prayers, lets praise Him more than we are doing. Let’s give Him glory and honor. Let’s exalt Him and nothing or noone else

*Prayer is petition and we need to do that. Presenting our requests to God with thanksgiving is the only way we can have the peace of God guarding our heart and our soul in Christ Jesus.

*Prayer is also as we have just mentioned, thanksgiving. We need to thank the LORD for all the wonderful answers to prayer. Every day we have much to thank God for. Look for things to thank God for in struggles- they are there!

*Prayer, keeping in contact with heaven, is also intercession. That part of prayer where we bring the needs of others to the LORD. We stand in the gap for them. We lift them up to the throne of God. We bring them to LORD feeling some of what they are going through.

We are called to pray without ceasing. This is a continual attitude of prayer. This is quiet praying in our spirit. Keep seeking for this if you have not come to that place in your spiritual walk with Jesus.

2. Heaven is our Home. II Corinthians 5.8
We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.
Hebrews 11.15 they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.

Our citizenship is there. But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ...” Philippians 3.20
I was born in Queens, in 1956. I am a citizen of the United States of America by birth. I was born here. In 1963 I asked Jesus to come into my heart and I became a child of God and a citizen of heaven. Now I am really a stranger on this earth. I know I don’t belong here. I have many friends and family who are already there in heaven. That is where I belong and where you belong if you have received Jesus Christ as your Savior.

Our names are written down there. Luke 10.20
do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.

3. Heaven is High.

Position- Above the earth and all the cosmos. It is in eternity and out of our space time continuum.

It is a Holy Place. There is no sin there. There is no evil there. Revelation 21.1Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 2I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.
4He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.

The results of sin (death and destruction) will be done away with in heaven We need to think of this for this is our comfort. We need to comfort each other with these words from our hearts to other hearts. This is our comfort.

One day Jesus will bring all who have believed on Him and remained faithful there.

4. Heaven is Near.

While heaven is, as far as its position, high and away. Heaven is near in the sense of time. Now our salvation (final) is nearer then when we first believed. Romans 13.11 And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. 12The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.

Romans 16.20 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.
This is a promise for the end of life and the end of time. There will be no more temptation in heaven.

5. Our Life’s riches are there.

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth... We live in time of wealth management today. We can store up treasures on earth by spending or saving. Spending money on things that do not bring glory to God is laying up treasure on earth. Stashing money away that we will never use is storing up treasure on earth. Don’t do that rather...

Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven... Giving to the work of the LORD is storing up treasure in heaven. Giving to missions is a way of storing up treasure in heaven. The little boxes in the foyer- all that money goes to buildings around the world. I was in some of those churches a few years back in the Carribean. Little simple buildings now bulging with people each night of the week. Good investments Souls Any giving that is used to bring souls to Jesus is a way of storing up treasures in heaven.

6. God Rules From There
Our God is in heaven; He does whatever pleases Him. Psalm 115.3

We spoke about this a few weeks ago. He is in control. This morning God reigns from heaven, from His Throne He rules on the earth. I know it seems sometimes He is not but He is. His will is being done. Obviously not everything that happens is His perfect will right now. But He overrules and brings good out of difficult things.
Heaven is God’s throne and earth is His footstool.

The LORD is on high. He reigns in majesty. I love the way He works. He does all things well. He is the King. He does whatever pleases Him. That is a good thing. It is good He doesn’t do whatever pleases us. Our understanding has limits. His understanding has no limits Our does. If we were to do what we pleased in this world we would mess everything up. How wise it is to submit ourselves to the will of God. His will is the best. We may not feel that but we can believe it and trust in Him and we will see if not on this earth in this life then definitely in heaven when we join Him there in eternity.

7. What He has said will stand firm in the Heavens. Psalm 119.89
Your word, O LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens.

God keeps His Word. He cannot lie His Word is truth.

When we look into the heavens and we think of this verse we see that not only here on the earth which God made but out there is the expanse which He also made His Word stands firm. We hold His Word in a written form in our hands. It is the Bible. It goes beyond that. It is written in the heavens.

God’s throne is in heaven. Above the clouds and planets. Way out in outer space is the throne of God. The Jews referred to this as the third heaven. This is where the LORD rules from. Revelation 4-5

It not only stands firm on earth, it stand firm in the heavens Looking to the heavens reminds of us of this promise. God’s Word stand firm there. It stand firm on earth. Heaven and earth will pass away but Jesus’ words will never pass away.

The LORD is on High. We are here on earth. We are to set on our hearts and minds on things above where Christ is seated.

So take these promises you have been living by and continue in His Word-
continue to live by them

The LORD’s Day

September 16, 2007

We Worship In Singing
We Worship In Prayer
We Worship In Hearing the Word of God
The LORD On High Psalm 148.1-6
Dedication of Dylan Brian Hrubes

*Tithes and Offerings can be placed in the box at the rear of the sanctuary*
Please join us for coffee and bagels downstairs if you are visiting today.

This Week
Bible Reading Proverbs 1

Monday Men’s Prayer Meeting 6:30am in the church basement
Wednesday Bible Study -7:30pm at the parsonage
Thursday Bible Study 10:30am in the church basement
Next Lord’s Day
Morning Prayer- 10am in the church basement
Morning Worship- 10:30am(Sunday School for Children)
Spanish Service- 4pm

In Your Prayers For All of God’s People

Remember the men serving in the armed forces: Bradley, Julia Bujold’s grandson with Special Forces in Afghanistan, home on leave right now, Ken Brown, Pastor’s friend’s son on his third tour of Iraq- He will be there until next month. Please pray for the whole family. Billy Knapp, Jr. in Iraq with the Marines (neighbor of the church and Pastor- Billy’s sister graduated from Good Shepherd). He is due home at Thanksgiving. Matthew Klaus, brother of Good Shepherd parent in Iraq as a firefighter for Haliburton. Pastor’s nephews’ and niece’s cousin Kim’s husband, Jay, in Iraq. Pray for them and the others away from their families. Praise God for keeping David Louis, Jake Morgan and Tom Hindelang safe during their times in Iraq. Please pray for Johnathan Kruzner (friend’s son of Rudy Migliore) who lost his leg from a roadside bomb in Iraq this week. Christine Frankland, Katharina’s daughter undergoing chemotherapy beginning tomorrow. Remember Robert, her husband and Jonathan, her son as well as Katharina. Kathy, Ziggy and Margot’s daughter-in-law, under the doctor’s care for fibromyalgia. Thank God for answers to prayer for her. Pray for Eloise Brooks in Sunrise Manor undergoing rehab and hopefully coming home soon. Remember Jean Louis as both he and Eloise are on dialysis. Grace Martin, Edie Raevis’ daughter, recovering from surgery on her back. Edie’s daughter’s mother-in-law, Millie Espisito has a severe infection and is in grave condition. She alos suffered a stroke this week. Reginald Mooney, friend of Terri and John Garry, with a tumor in his kidney. Please remember Pastor’s friend Kim Richardson’s daughter, Kelly , the latest MRI showed improvement. Please remember this whole family in prayer.. Jeannie Rocarro recovering from surgery. Pastor Jerry Bonfiglio’s family who has been through so much grief this summer... Leah May’s cousin, Joan, respiratory problems,coming home. Lucy Mancini under Orthopedic Specialist’s care and physical therapy for pain and injuries resulting from the accident. Mary Butler, Pastor’s family’s former neighbor from Bellmore and dear family friend, recovering from surgery removing a tumor in the colon as well as removal of gall bladder and appendix. Stephen Huges, brother of a Good Shepherd Nursery School Mom, their parents home in Hewlett was destroyed in a fire. Judy Mucci is in the hospital. The cancer has spread to her spinal fluid. She has been placed in Hospice and has been given two to six months to live. Please remember her and Dr. And Mrs. Mucci this week in your prayers as well as Judy’s daughter Tatum. Alice Gordon’s brother, Everette, in Illinois, two blood infections along with another serious medical condition. Mary Von Fricken was diagnosed with congestive heart fauilure. Good Shepherd Nursery School -let’s remember the staff and students in prayer as well as the children of our fellowship in this first month of school.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

The LORD's Day September 9, 2007

Remembering 9-11-01
What is the LORD saying?
Psalm 144.1-4;-146, 27

There was a false alarm the night of Sept. 11, 2001, when President Bush and his wife, Laura, were in bed in the White House after the day's traumatic events. A Secret Service agent came to the bedroom and told them to get to the bunker. They're coming, the agent said. We're under attack. The couple hurried to the bunker, the president carrying a dog under one arm and a cat under the other, with his wife slipping on a bathrobe and fuzzy slippers, feeling blind without her contact lenses. The source of the alarm - a plane in closed airspace over the Potomac River - turned out to be an authorized flight. Things like that up to hours before that morning were unthought or were looked as fiction of by most Americans and even this week as I read this account I found it incredible.

New York and Washington and Pennsylvania changed forever on that day 6 years ago. Our whole country changed and we are now in what many have called a Post 9-11 World.

We all remember just where we were and what we were doing on that day when United Airlines Flight 175 and American Airlines Flight 11 were flown into the World Trade Center in New York City, on that September morning 6 years ago... I was trying to use the dial up on my computer...

Was this part of our secular history or was it something more than as act of war against the United States of America? Is all history as one of my college profs used to love to say “His- Story”.

John Winthrop, first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, admonished the Pilgrims, “The eyes of all people are upon us so that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us, we shall be made a story and a byword throughout the world.”

The next day (September 12, 2001) we met at the church here for prayer together.

Ann Lotz Graham two days after the attack (9-13-01) on CBS’s Early Show...
Jane Clayson: I've heard people say, those who are religious, those who are not, if God is good, how could God less this happen? To that, you say?
Anne Graham Lotz: I say God is also angry when he sees something like this. I would say also for several years now Americans in a sense have shaken their fist at God and said, God, we want you out of our schools, our government, our business, we want you out of our marketplace. And God, who is a gentleman, has just quietly backed out of our national and political life, our public life. Removing his hand of blessing and protection. We need to turn to God first of all and say, God, we're sorry we have treated you this way and we invite you now to come into our national life. We put our trust in you. We have our trust in God on our coins, we need to practice it.

So this week we look back on a skyline that has been severely altered, large numbers of families without loved ones... here this morning my aunt whose nephew, a NY City Fireman, died in the collapse of Tower One. He was 30 years old, left a wife and two children, one just two weeks old. Edie’s nephew, Frank Vignoli, worked on the 80th floor for Cantor-Fitzgerald. He died. I have a friend whom I attended High School with, a now retired Lieutenant in the NYFD, living here in Islip Terrace. He knew 70 men who died. Today America is fighting an insurgency in Iraq and we have so many connections from our little fellowship here...
David Louis and Tom Hindelang both have done multiple tours of Iraq and have returned safely. Thank the LORD. Jake Morgan, my aunt’s grandson came back, but not before he watched his best buddy in the army die in his arms. We pray for a number still there Julia’s grandson now here in the states, Kenny Brown a boyhood friend whose son Ken Jr. is there and our neighbor’s son Billy Knapp Jr. there now.

1. We are at War.

9-11 originated in the Middle East, a place that has been a source of conflict and war since Genesis 3, when sin came into the world. The first killing was done by Cain and it has gone on for thousands of years.

A different war than we have ever fought before, there are frustrations and we are finding out that terror is not an easy thing to deal with. Just take Bin Laden’s ability to survive for starters.

Psalm 27 is a psalm for times of war. We read it together back 6 years ago on the day after here in this very spot.

David told how the LORD helped him fight battles and actually trained his hands for war.

But there is different kind of war David mentions in Psalm 144.5-9. He is calling on the armies of heaven. They are mentioned in II Kings 6 and in Revelation 19.11-16: 11I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war. 12His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. 13He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. 14The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. 15Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. He will rule them with an iron scepter. [a] He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. 16On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.

There are spiritual battles going on in the heavens today as we sit here. Ephesians 6.12 Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

We are fighting the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. For we who are believers we can plainly see that there is a war going on today for the heart and the soul of America, for the hearts of Americans.

2. To win this war our hope must be in the LORD Psalm 146.3

Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save. 4 When their spirit departs, they return to the ground;on that very day their plans come to nothing. 5 Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God, 6 the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them— the LORD, who remains faithful forever.
It is not reforming a government it to win this war it is God’s kingdom coming to the hearts of Americans. It is not looking for a leader it is looking to the Messiah, the King of kings. Our hope is in the LORD, the God of Jacob.

Psalm 27.5 For in the day of trouble He will keep me safe in his dwelling; He will hide me in the shelter of His tabernacle and set me high upon a rock.

The LORD is faithful forever. He is with us in the battle. Pray Pray Pray Keep trusting in Him. He brings us victory.

3. These are the times that try men’s souls but that is not all bad 27.13

Thomas Payne, one of our nations founding fathers wrote this about the American Revolution. But it is biblical truth, expressed often in the hymns of the church. This past week we told of the story of that beautiful song which those of us who lived in the 50's remember being sung, No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus- Charles Weigle- also wrote Living for Jesus. Henry Gariepy (who wrote of Weigle in his book Songs In the Night, “The words, born out of heartbreak and despair, present a thumbnail biography of its author. From the heart that had been broken by sorrow, but healed by God’s Grace, there vibrated the chords for this song of assurance:

I would love to tell you what I think of Jesus, Since I found in Him a Friend so strong and true, I would tell you how He changed my life completely He did something that no other Friend could do...

No one ever cared for me Like Jesus. There’s no other Friend so kind as He.
No one else could take the sin and darkness from me. Oh how much He cared for me

All my life was full of sin when Jesus found me, All my heart was full of misery and woe.
Jesus placed His strong and loving arms around me, and He led me in the way I ought to go.

Every day He comes to me with new assurance, More and more I understand His words of Love;
But I’ll never know just why He came to save me, Till some day I see His blessed face above.

Tests are never pleasant. But they do bring about good things. I realized how rich I am with all the neighbors the LORD blessed me when we had to find Moe last week. I had to make phone calls and write notes thanking people for helping and I even got a phone call. Out of that episode came a deeper appreciation for people I have around me where I live. When we get sick and then get better we are thankful for our health. People talk about a pre 9-11 World as well. Those days are gone. What is the LORD saying 6 years after that tragic day?

4. What are we as believers and followers of Jesus to do?

*Pray for our leaders I Timothy.1-4 1I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— 2for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. We need to pray for our President and congress.
*Pray for ourselves Psalm 139.23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Whenever people are going through times of national distress, opportunity is being given to them to let it be a time of sifting and soul searching in their own hearts. Perhaps this is part of what is meant in James 5.13 Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. We often pray O LORD get me out of this Deliver me How about praying when we are in trouble- LORD search my heart- see if there is anything in me that is displeasing to you. During this time of trouble and upset- show me where I need to grow. Sometimes it is obvious Other times it isn’t.

*Look to the LORD. Pray for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122.6 )

*Listen to what He is continuing to say through His Word

I went down there and did some witnessing a few days after, as close as to the wreckage as they would allow us to go.

Charlotte, from England-

The couple from Dallas- Insurance Adjusters for disasters- All over the world earthquakes, floods, fires, etc. “Never have we felt the sense of evil and the sense of God’s presence in the same place like we have sensed at Ground Zero this week.” The Spiritual Battle...

9-11 6 years later... the LORD is telling us through His Word that we are at war, to win we must trust and hope in Him. He is saying that these are trying times but that good can come out of them. Pray to Him for our leaders and ourselves. Look to Him. Listen to what He continues to say.
The LORD’s Day
September 9, 2007

We Worship In Singing
We Worship In Prayer
We Worship In Hearing the Word of God
Remembering 911- What is the LORD Saying? Psalm 144.1-3, Psalm 27

*Tithes and Offerings can be placed in the box at the rear of the sanctuary*
Please join us for coffee and bagels downstairs if you are visiting today.

This Week
Bible Reading Psalm 147-150

Monday Men’s Prayer Meeting 6:30am in the church basement
Wednesday Bible Study -7:30pm at the parsonage
Thursday Bible Study 10:30am in the church basement
Next Lord’s Day
Morning Prayer- 10am in the church basement
Morning Worship- 10:30am(Sunday School for Children)
Spanish Service- 4pm

In Your Prayers For All of God’s People

Remember the men serving in the armed forces: Bradley, Julia Bujold’s grandson with Special Forces in Afghanistan, home on leave right now, Ken Brown, Pastor’s friend’s son on his third tour of Iraq- He will be there until next month. Please pray for the whole family. Billy Knapp, Jr. in Iraq with the Marines (neighbor of the church and Pastor- Billy’s sister graduated from Good Shepherd). He is due home at Thanksgiving. Matthew Klaus, brother of Good Shepherd parent in Iraq as a firefighter for Haliburton. Pastor’s nephews’ and niece’s cousin Kim’s husband, Jay, in Iraq. Pray for them and the others away from their families. Praise God for keeping David Louis, Jake Morgan and Tom Hindelang safe during their times in Iraq. Christine Frankland, Katharina’s daughter undergoing treatment for leukemia There has been little change with the treatments. Kathy, Ziggy and Margot’s daughter-in-law, under the doctor’s care for fibromyalgia. Thank God for answers to prayer for her. Pray for Eloise Brooks in Sunrise Manor undergoing rehab and hopefully coming home soon. Remember Jean Louis as both he and Eloise are on dialysis. Grace Martin, Edie Raevis’ daughter, recovering from surgery on her back. Edie’s daughter’s mother-in-law, Millie Espisito has a severe infection and is in grave condition. Reginald Mooney, friend of Terri and John Garry, with a tumor in his kidney. Please remember Pastor’s friend Kim Richardson’s daughter, Kelly , the MRI last week showed improvement. Kelly had a chemo treatment this pastThursday. Please remember this whole family in prayer.. Jeannie Rocarro recovering from surgery. Pastor Jerry Bonfiglio’s family who has been through so much grief this summer... Leah May’s cousin, Joan, respiratory problems, now in rehab. Lucy Mancini under Orthopedic Specialist’s care and physical therapy for pain and injuries resulting from the accident. Mary Butler, Pastor’s family’s former neighbor from Bellmore and dear family friend, recovering from surgery removing a tumor in the colon as well as removal of gall bladder and appendix. Stephen Huges, brother of a Good Shepherd Nursery School Mom, their parents home in Hewlett was destroyed in a fire. Judy Mucci is in the hospital. The cancer has spread to her spinal fluid. She has been placed in Hospice and has been given two to six months to live. Please remember her and Dr. And Mrs. Mucci this week in your prayers as well as Judy’s daughter Tatum. Alice Gordon’s brother, Everette, in Illinois, two blood infections along with another serious medical condition.
Good Shepherd Nursery School opened this week -let’s remember the staff and students in prayer as well as the children of our fellowship as they began school this week.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The LORD's Day September 2, 2007

Moving On Into Maturity
Psalm 143.10

If you have been born again, then it is God’s desire for you to grow and mature and become more like Jesus. Like our own children, the LORD wants us, His children, to develop. If we saw that one of our children or grandchildren or nieces or nephews were not we would be concerned and take action to get them help.

This verse is prayer for maturity. David is asking the LORD for a number of things. When we live out life as followers of Jesus we see the spiritual needs we have. Our prayers begin to change from “LORD, I want this,” to “LORD, please produce this character in me.” It is God’s Will for us to be holy.

When we were children our reasoning had not reached that level. The child whose bedtime has arrived and protests, “I don’t want to go to bed ” does not understand like the adult who says, “It is time for me to go to bed ” The child is trying to get out of what he needs while the mature person is doing what he needs.

When we were children our reactions were not bridled like they are now. The verse we read this week in about the LORD putting a guard over my mouth is a prayer of a mature person who has come to realize the damage that could be done if we spill off everything that comes to mind.

When we were children our responsibility was a lot less than it is a adults. We really were largely carefree as children. We did not know how good we had it.

1. A Teachable Spirit

Teach me to do your will, for you are my God

This prayer teach me... exercise, train

When a person sincerely prays to the LORD asking Him to teach them something that person has a teachable spirit. You cannot learn from the LORD without this. I have met not many, thank the LORD, but I have met some who had an unteachable spirit. Within their souls there is a resistance to being taught. The lack of humility is a sign of this.

Calling on the LORD the way the Psalmist is here is demonstrating a beautiful teachable and humble spirit.

I need help O LORD, I need Your instruction. I want to learn. In this particular case it is learning to do God’s will. More about His will in a few moments. Right now we are looking at the idea of being taught and asking the LORD to do that in my heart.

The sense of this comes from a knowledge that I still have a lot of growing to do. It comes from the realization that I have not arrived and am still in need of growth.
The more I get to know Jesus the more I realize that need to grow to become like Him. David is asking the LORD to daily show him how, through his experiences in life, to obey him.

The process of this is a combination of growing in the knowledge of His Word and then being trained by it. God’s Word is my training manual to maturity. As we look at the Proverbs this fall we will see character development that the LORD has in mind. Israel’s motto was learn and live but we do live and learn. We learn from life’s experiences as we lay them next to God’s Word.

These things are absolutely essential for moving on into maturity.

2. A Desire to Please the LORD (Knowing and doing His will)

Specifically David’s prayer of being taught is aimed at doing the will of God. He desires to accomplish the things that bring God pleasure and delight. He desires the things that will put him in God’s favor.

We all need to be taught along these lines. We are to aim at perfection. Too often we aim at something else and hit it

Knowing and doing God’s will pleases Him. So this prayer Teach me to do your will, for you are my God, is a cry from the heart of one after God’s own heart. This is spiritual maturity: having this desire to please the LORD by knowing and doing His will.

A servant’s heart and a teachable spirit go hand in hand. We also learn by serving. Giving ourselves to the LORD and others develop character that is Christlike. Give yourself fully to the LORD and you will know what His will is. (Romans 12.1-3)

When children are young and they have Father’s Day, the moms go out and buy the gifts for them. As they mature they buy gifts themselves and give them to their dads. As they get older they desire to do things for their fathers, not just receive things from him. My brother and I both drove my dad’s car. One time it needed to get work done on it. My brother and I got it to the shop. We were both home from college. When my dad went to pick it up after he asked how much he owed. The mechanic said, “Nothing. Your son paid the bill in full.” My folks were pleased. Actually they were elated. My brother was beginning to give back. When our relationship with the LORD gets to that place we are maturing. If we are always on the receiving end our relationship with Him is not a mature one. When we grow up in Christ we move from being served to serving Him.

3. All incorrect perceptions gone
Frightened about the Holy Spirit. We are told in this verse: may your good Spirit
lead me

God is good. His Spirit is good. For years I (along with a load of young teenagers) were worried we may had committed the unpardonable sin. Evangelists would come to our church and camp meetings and preach on that danger of sinning against the Holy Spirit. We came to be afraid of the One called the Comforter or Counselor. It would have been better for them to speak of those good aspects along with the warning rather than to scare us away from understanding the Spirit of God working His will out in our lives, helping us, guiding us into all Truth.

Maturing is understanding relationship with God is not built on terror but rather on love. The terrorist don’t have the hearts of people- they have the minds of the people and their minds full of fear but not their hearts are against them. You cannot establish a lasting relationship with a person who hangs a threat over you. True relationships are built on love. The work of the Holy Spirit in my heart produces love. I wish the “evangelists” of my youth would have mentioned that. I wish they had talked more about the fruit. Instead we put distance between us and the LORD and His Spirit because we were afraid of sinning against Him. We missed out on understanding the main work of the Spirit in the life of the believer and that is to produce love.

God could force us to obey Him but that is not how He works. He desires for people to simply and lovingly place their trust in Him. When they do they give Him their hearts- willing.

Maturity is realizing God wants the best for us. The person who asked me a while ago, “Why is God doing all these terrible things to my family?”, does not really know God. He is not out to destroy us He is out to save us and make us like Jesus.

4. Level Ground is not seen as boring but good.

...may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.

level country, table-land, plain

When we are young we love roller coasters- at least most of us do. I remember my last ride on one. I knew it was time to stop this craziness. My body was changing and no longer adjusting to the sudden dips and turns. My roller coaster days were over.

Spiritually there are many similarities. Ups and downs are the norm for a young believer. We experience elation and disappointment. Take for example the whole matter of answered prayer. As a new believer it can make me feel like everything is coming my way and send me on a high that rivals clouds. Then there is the valley when all the prayers I have prayed are not answered the way I thought they should be. It can be downright depressing. As I grow in the LORD I realize that He has exercised His will even when I have asked Him to.
I am growing to understand that sometimes God’s will on a subject is far away from mine. He is patient and allows my heart to come along to join His where I can pray, “You will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” This is spiritual growth. Spiritual growth is becoming like Jesus. When we begin to pray like Him we are moving into maturity

We move along quickly on level ground. The mountains are beautiful but they require climbing. I prefer the level ground for traveling.

Emotionally level ground is a lot healthier than great highs and lows. When we are young we experience them but as we mature we level out. David even prayed that the LORD would lead Him in His goodness, by His Spirit on level ground.

David was no stranger to the alternative. From the time he killed Goliath until he finally became King years later his life was emotionally was up and down. He knew what mountain peaks were and he knew what valleys were. He knew what it was to be down. That is why we can relate to the words God breathed through him in the Psalms. We feel what he felt. These were David’s formative years.

God desire to take us to level ground. He wants us to mature, produce fruit and bring glory to His name (John 15).

Growing up is not easy. My granddaughter was over this week and she asked if she could put some shoes she keeps at our house on and lo and behold we could not get them on her feet! She outgrew them. There are childish ways that we are to put away, Paul writes to the Corinthians in the Love Chapter about these. Attitudes and reactions that would follow that are childish need to be done away with. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from them.

Maturity means responsibility. I am no longer a child. I am a man or woman fully responsible for my actions and attitudes and reasoning. In fact the more mature I am the more reasonable I will be. The child that protests, “I am not cold,” (when in a pool) as their teeth chatter and they are shivering is almost funny at times. The child who is cranky and whose eyes are blood shot and insists, “I am not tired,” is not convincing. Yet we expect it from them. When Emma told Grandma Lucy a while ago that she thought she had enough candy for that day when Grandma offered her another one we marveled. When adults act like children it is unseemly. Jesus is looking for a church that is loves Him and loves one another being mature in the fruit of His Spirit whereby He said men would know we are His disciples.

And all this for the Father’s Glory!
The LORD’s Day
September 2, 2007

We Worship In Singing
We Worship In Receiving the LORD’s Supper
We Worship In Hearing the Word of God
Moving On Into Maturity Psalm 143.10

*Tithes and Offerings can be placed in the box at the rear of the sanctuary*
Please join us for coffee and bagels downstairs if you are visiting today.

This Week
Bible Reading Psalm 144-147

Monday Men’s Prayer Meeting 6:30am in the church basement
Wednesday Bible Study -7:30pm at the parsonage
Thursday Bible Study 10:30am in the church basement
Next Lord’s Day
Morning Prayer- 10am in the church basement
Morning Worship- 10:30am(Sunday School for Children)
Spanish Service- 4pm

In Your Prayers For All of God’s People

Remember the men serving in the armed forces: Bradley, Julia Bujold’s grandson with Special Forces in Afghanistan, home on leave right now, Ken Brown, Pastor’s friend’s son on his third tour of Iraq- He will be there until next month. Please pray for the whole family. Billy Knapp, Jr. in Iraq with the Marines (neighbor of the church and Pastor- Billy’s sister graduated from Good Shepherd). He is due home at Thanksgiving. Matthew Klaus, brother of Good Shepherd parent in Iraq as a firefighter for Haliburton. Pastor’s nephews’ and niece’s cousin Kim’s husband, Jay, in Iraq. Pray for them and the others away from their families. Praise God for keeping David Louis, Jake Morgan and Tom Hindelang safe during their times in Iraq. Christine Frankland, Katharina’s daughter undergoing treatment for leukemia. Kathy, Ziggy and Margot’s daughter-in-law, under the doctor’s care for fibromyalgia. Thank God for answers to prayer for her. Pray for Eloise Brooks in Sunrise Manor undergoing rehab and hopefully coming home soon. Remember Jean Louis as both he and Eloise are on dialysis. Grace Martin, Edie Raevis’ daughter, having surgery on her back this Tuesday. Edie’s daughter’s mother-in-law, Millie Espisitohas a severe infection and is in grave condition. Reginald Mooney, friend of Terri and John Garry, with a tumor in his kidney. Please remember Pastor’s friend Kim Richardson’s daughter, Kelly, finished chemotherapy and awaiting surgery. Please remember this whole family in prayer.. Jeannie Rocarro recovering from surgery. Pastor Jerry Bonfiglio’s family who has been through so much grief this summer... Leah May’s cousin, Joan, respiratory problems, now in rehab. Lucy Mancini under Orthopedic Specialist’s care and physical therapy for pain and injuries resulting from the accident. Mary Butler, Pastor’s family’s former neighbor from Bellmore and dear family friend, recovering from surgery removing a tumor in the colon as well as removal of gall bladder and appendix. Stephen Huges, brother of a Good Shepherd Nursery School Mom, their parents home in Hewlett was destroyed in a fire. Judy Mucci is in the hospital. The cancer has spread to her spinal fluid. She has been placed in Hospice and has been given two to six months to live. Please remember her and Dr. And Mrs. Mucci this week in your prayers as well as Judy’s daughter Tatum.
Good Shepherd Nursery School opens this week -let’s remember the staff and students in prayer as well as the children of our fellowship beginning school this week.