Sunday, November 30, 2008

The LORD's Day November 30, 2008

The Word Became Flesh

John 1.1-18

This is a profound passage. It is really beyond description. It was written by John, whom Jesus nicknamed the son of thunder, who became the Apostle of Love. It is hard to remember as we read these sublime words that they were written by a former fisherman. I remember being in Bible College and Dr. Charles Baldwin speaking for a hour on just the phrase “In the beginning”. These are deep deep words.

It is truly amazing what Jesus can do to a heart and a life that is open to Him. He took John, a fisherman and made him a fisher of men. He was a witness. He left his nets to follow Jesus. He was fishing for fish. Jesus gave him power to fish for men.

John, the Baptist was also a witness. He was the first witness of Jesus actually for Jesus.

He simply told Who Jesus was. He was sent from God. All witnesses are. We are all commissioned to be witnesses. Jesus said, “As the Father sent Me so send I you.” Since we sent from God by Jesus all we need to do is tell Who Jesus is and point people to believe.

1. Witness so that men might believe v.7

Only a witness. We make a bigger thing out of witnessing than we should. It is simple. The enemy tries to strike fear in our hearts so we won’t share our faith. Paul wrote to Philemon (6) I pray that you will be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ. It is beneficial spiritually to share our faith. It gives us a full understanding of our own salvation It helps us understand grace, faith, mercy and God’s love and much more. (Subjectively) It is an act of obedience to God. As with all acts of obedience, there are also blessings that come to the one who obeys. Hymn- Trust and Obey

What is a witness supposed to do? Tell the truth. That is what they are asked if they will do in court. That is what they are asked to do at an accident. Tina and I were in the car and saw a crash over on 5th Avenue one time a while ago, we saw it happen. I got out to prevent a pile up by directing traffic and when the police arrived the first thing I heard was, “Were there any witnesses? They wanted the truth of what happened.

We are to tell the story of Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

We are to tell the story of God’s light... in the beginning...
We see it in creation in Genesis 1.
This is referred to here in John 1.
Jesus is the One of Whom we are witnessing.Tell what He has done for you. Tell what He can do for the one to whom you are witnessing. John the Baptist told that He takes away the sin of the world. John, the Apostle, told that he beheld Jesus’ glory and that everyone who believes becomes children of God.

2. Believing become children of God.

Jesus came to die so that we could have life. Some think He came to teach us how to live better and why that is true, He took on flesh primarily so that He could have it torn open by nails as He was nailed to the cross and by a spear that was thrust into His side. He was beaten brutally. This was for our sins and iniquities. He carried them on Himself.

Moses had led the children of Israel. They rebelled against God. God sent venomous snakes into the camp. The only way to be healed was to look to this bronze serpent that Moses had built on a pole. Those who looked lived. (Numbers 21)

All have been bitten by the serpent of sin. We need to be healed.

Jesus said, “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up...” John 3.14 He said this in part to signify the kind of death by which he would die.
John 3.15 that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.
John 3.16

The Word becoming flesh was so that Word might die. Love was crucified. He bore our sins and our sorrows.

We are not children of God when we are born. We are not all God’s children. We are actually far away from God before Christ comes into our heart.

We become children of God through believing on Jesus John 1.12, John 3.16
This is not natural descent through the will of a husband, this is supernatural birth through the will and power of our Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ and His Spirit moving on hearts drawing them to Him.

3. Jesus Christ made the Father known. v.18

He pitched his tent here. v.14 made His dwelling among us. He tabernacled with us
He was here for 33 years. His Spirit is with us now.

The Father is full of Grace and Truth.
Grace- mercy, kindness, delight, loveliness, joy, pleasure
Truth- reality, certainty

He blesses us over and over again
The Word Became Flesh.

Come with me again to the manger, the nativity scene. There on the outskirts of David’s town, in the back of an inn, there in Bethlehem, God comes down from heaven in human form.

Come with me to that place where the animals are kept, the donkeys, the cattle, those animals that are brought along for burdens and those that are going to be sold. Sheep are there too. I am sure the shepherds carried the lambs with them. (This was a common practice and had great spiritual significance. (Isaiah 40.11- He tends His flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those that have young.) There are the shepherds with lambs in the Presence of the Lamb of God. The Lamb of God came as a lamb. He was born of a woman.

No wonder Luke tells us that Mary treasured these things and pondered them in her heart. It is believed by many that Luke interviewed Mary as he wrote his gospel. What we have in the first and second chapters of Luke are the very things Mary treasured.

The Word became flesh.

The announcement came to Mary in Nazareth and Jesus was born in Bethlehem.

Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, not in Jerusalem. Jerusalem is just 6 miles up the road. Jerusalem was the place where the scholars and mighty and rich lived. Bethlehem was and is a small town. Jerusalem is a city. It has walls around it. Bethlehem had shepherds around it

We are going to close this morning with that hymn O Little Town of Bethlehem.
It is a real place! Emma yesterday when we were decorating... “Wait you mean it is a real place, Poppa?!” Two lines stand out to me:
O Holy child of Bethlehem be born is us today!

Where meek souls will receive Him still the dear Christ enters in

Think of some souls in your life that need Jesus. Witness to them. Perhaps this will be the season for them to come and taste and see that the LORD is good!

No longer can we depend on our nation to support our faith...

And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech him to pardon our national and other transgressions--to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually--to render our national government a blessing to all the people, by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed--to protect and guide all Sovereigns and Nations (especially such as have shown kindness onto us)Given under my hand at the City of New-York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789. President George Washington - Thanksgivng Proclamation

This Friday a WalMart Worker Jdimytai Damour at Green Acres was killed- trampled to death as “shoppers” knocked down the doors. Shock- real problem in our country. Deep sin. We need the Savior to change hearts. God help us share His love!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The LORD's Day November 23, 2008 Happy Thanksgiving!

How To Face the Holidaze or Worship on the Holy Days

II Corinthians 9.1-15

Thanks be to God for His Indescribable Gift!

The next 6 weeks will either be a time of great worship in your life or you will walk around in holi daze. It can be a combination of both but the holi daze usually dominates. Let Thanksgiving and Christmas be holy days- times of wonderful worship.

The Bible is not against giving gifts - quite the contrary! This chapter is about giving. More specifically it is about a gift from a group of churches to the Mother Church in Jerusalem. We gave shoeboxes last week to go to help needy children. These churches gave to help needy saints.

1. Lets look this morning at the roots of these Holy Days. Deuteronomy 5.15

American Thanksgiving- This is our day. While other countries have harvest type of celebrations, ours is focused on Almighty God.

While it began with the Pilgrims it was President Abraham Lincoln who signed the proclamation ( *

Back to the Pilgrims (

Great Epochs In American History, a set of books that belonged to my great grandfather, who was a seminary professor in New Jersey. In volume two which covers 1562-1733, there is a chapter entitled The First Voyage of the Mayflower. It is Governor William Bradford ‘s account. He had been a leading member of a little dissenting congregation in England. Throughout the 15 pages are phrases such as “for the glory of God, the will of God, it pleased God, God’s providence, sustaining Spirit and grace of God, good providence of God, LORD be merciful to them…”

Let me read a few lines from my great grandfather’s book, “But though this had been a day & night of much trouble & danger unto them, yet God gave them a morning of comfort and refreshing (as usually He doth to His children)…gave thanks to God for His mercies, in their manifold deliverances.” Governor William Bradford
Humility- in poverty much thanksgiving- the widow’s mite
Christmas- Christ is born Bethlehem and it announced to a group of shepherds!
Read the accounts in Matthew and Luke as well as John 1.

2. Keeping Things Simple This Year

Don’t let the world crowd you or squeeze you into its own mold. (Romans 12.1-3)
It may be their holiday and each year gets more ridiculous but it first and forever is our holy day! The Desire of the Ages has come!

As far as Thanksgiving we need to at the very least capture it in our own hearts and share it with the children around us.

Don’t wear yourselves out on things that perish!

Begin some traditions of peace and quiet as much as possible. This season originally was one of Peace on earth.

Begin some godly traditions. For instance tell the people you are thankful for that you are thankful for them. Be specific. You will both be blessed! Thank God for them too.

3. Avoid the Holi Daze Be transformed by the renewing of your minds…

Give gifts to Jesus. Some of you already have- with the shoeboxes last week. It His birth we are celebrating and there are some wonderful things we can do for Him to express our love. Salvation Army buckets, worthy charities…

Give a great gift that is only yours to give- your time! Take some time and make it a gift to someone who is lonely or under great pressure. There is a possibility they won’t accept it- but the fact you offered is wonderful. Be prepared for a surprise - they may say yes.

Look around. One year a funeral home called and asked if I could use some pointsettias. It was Christmas Eve morning. I called up one of the teens in the church to help me and we went around to every older person, particularly the ones who shut in and handed them out. What joy came over people’s faces. The whole thing only took 2 hours. It was wonderful. We prayed with each soul.

Live Enjoy this time! Sadly a friend, a Christian friend, told me a few years back that they hated this time of the year. We ought to be living not lamenting at these celebrations. If there is a difficult relative in your number- love them in Jesus‘ Name!

Relive (memories). It is a good time to get a cup of tea or coffee or hot chocolate and do some fond remembering. Think back over God’s blessings. Don’t be surprised if when you do they may be the times when you had very little. More is not always better.

Thank God as you do for His Indescribable Gift.

4. Keep These Days, until the New Year, Holy II Timothy 1.12

Set them apart for Jesus now. Give them to Him. Tell His Story/ our story

Something extraordinary can happen. Miracles happen at Christmas and even at Thanksgiving. Let’s live in thanksgiving and the Hope of Jesus’ First and Second Coming. In these days of uncertainty we know Whom we have believed in. We are persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him until He appears the second time.

Make these holidays Holy Days. In so doing you will avoid the Holidaze.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The LORD's Day November 16, 2008

Give Thanks For Jesus Christ, God’s Son

Mark 14.1-11

Blessings abound but few see them! Too often we are praying for more blessings and not thanking God for the ones we have! Too often our prayers are lopsided. We have so much!

This is nothing new. It happened to the first of Jesus’ followers… they had abundant blessings right there in front of them but they missed seeing them or recognizing them.

Don’t let this happen to you. We ought to be the most thankful people on earth!

1. This was at the home of a man who had been healed from leprosy.

Simon the Leper. We don’t know much about him except that he had been a leper, Jesus healed him. He may have been related to Martha, Mary and Lazarus but we won’t know for sure until we get to heaven.

Leprosy stands for sin. Lepers were a sad group. They lived together. They were untouchable. Their disease was looked at as incurable save a miracle. Jesus touched them and healed them.

They were unlovely. They were even difficult to look at. Leper colonies still exist today. My daughter Theresa worked in one about ten years ago now in India.

The only hope for a leper is that a miracle takes place and they are healed. In Jesus’ time they had to show themselves to the priest to get certificate of cleanliness.

There were a group of unthankful healed lepers. We read about them in Luke 17.11-19. Ten were healed. One came back and he was a Samaritan! He threw himself at Jesus’ feet. His life had been given back to him! He could be reunited wit his family and with society. Leprosy makes a person an outcast. So does sin. It keeps you from enjoying life- good living and if you do not repent it will keep you out of heaven. Jesus restores lives.

One note in passing about healing. I was asked a haunting question about healing by a man with a measure of wisdom. He asked me, “What difference will it make spiritually if your brother is healed?” I had to confess- probably very little. The odds are much like in this account here in Luke. Where are the other nine? But not only healing, also raising from the dead.

2. This was in Bethany, Lazarus’ city, where Jesus raised him from the dead! John 11

Even greater than healing leprosy is raising the dead. Healing leprosy is synonymous with forgiveness where as raising the dead is synonymous with the resurrection at the last day. (John 11.24)

Word about this miracle spread (John 11.45-57). All the press was not popular. In fact this miracle did it for Jesus’ enemies. It was raising Lazarus from the dead that caused the leaders of Jerusalem to kill the Author of Life!

So these two miracles and the beautiful act of Mary anointing Him with very expensive perfume are three witnesses of the difference Jesus makes in the life of people who are diseased (by sin), dead (in their
trespasses) and down and depressed over life. They were thankful. They gave God praise and expressed that Thanksgiving.

3. It only takes one to get people’s eyes off Jesus and on something ridiculous.

Here were two of the greatest miracles- leprosy and death and a beautiful act of worship which continues to be told in her memory…

They were worried about the money.

How much is this going to cost? They didn’t know what waste was. Jesus told them what it was.

Beware of criticism period.

Be especially aware of criticism when God is at work. These guys didn’t realize that they were doing it. They sounded pious but it really was not. John tells us why. John 12.4-6

Often criticism is a tip of an iceberg jealousy or envy or some other sin. God deliver from a critical spirit. I have never seen anyone with a critical spirit who didn’t also have pride in one form or another. When a person is critical they are not thankful. In fact often criticism and grumbling and complaining go hand in hand.

Give thanks to the LORD! Let praise go to God then Father for sending Jesus to us!

4. What blessing do you have this morning that you are not seeing?

What is in your hand?

Mary had expensive perfume. Jesus has raised her brother from the dead! Here is a third person in this account with Thanksgiving in their heart.

Moses was asked that question by God, “What is in your hand?” God used it for 40 years as the children of Israel made their way across the Sinai.

What is in your heart?

Eternal life!

What is around your table?

The people God has placed there. Think about how good He has been in thi way!

What is in your community?

Opportunities abound!
Joan, Kathleen, Will this past week just feet from where I am standing

Things have changed- My Three Sons Thanksgiving episode this past week, Father knows Best

I have a lot to be thankful for today.
My dad
My grandson
My wife

Who are you thankful for? Thank God for the souls- precious He has placed in your life. Thank God for then and let them know what a blessing they are!

But above all, and its there on a banner behind me this morning:

Thanks be to God for His Indescribable Gift!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The LORD's Day November 9, 2008

The Palm Branches In Heaven

Revelation 7

There are such wonderful things in God’s Word.

Hope is one of those wonderful things!

Remember the question from last week? How long LORD? Habakkuk 1.2 the prophet went to God in a time of perplexity. It was about the nation. Things were getting worse and he was overwhelmed. The LORD gave him an answer that troubled him at first even more (things are going to get worse before they get better)but the end of the book the prophet testifies to the peace and joy God gave him after he had prayed and listened to the LORD.

We see these souls before the throne of God with palm branches in their hands. We are told that they are the ones who were given white robes and came out of the great tribulation. God answered their prayers of “How long Sovereign LORD” (we looked at last week in 6.10)).

1. Where have we seen palm branches before?

The most obvious is Palm Sunday. John 12.12-16

Ancient prophecies are fulfilled when the palm branches come out
and are waved before the LORD!

Jesus called it “Jerusalem’s day” Luke 19.41-42 The Palm branches were outside the city. The city could have had peace but they rejected the One who would have given it to them.

The palm branches were out that first Palm Sunday and we commemorate it each year to begin Holy Week. Jesus rode into Jerusalem and the shouts of Hosanna rang out.

This was their day (Jerusalem’s) and they did not recognize it.
Matthew 23.37-39
So Palm Sunday was both a day of victory and a fulfillment of ancient prophecy but it was also a day of tragedy. Please note the destruction of Jerusalem did not take place until some 48 years later but the decision that sealed it was made on that first Palm Sunday.

Daniel told about this day. (Daniel 9.24-27).

2. Palm Trees Branches stand for peace.

They thought the Messiah would bring a military domination of Israel like that of David’s time. After David’s conquests there was a peace in Solomon's reign.

Matthew 21.8 The people took these down and laid them on the road as a sign peace was finally coming to Israel.

Psalm 118 was a Psalm that was recited in the liturgy the week before Passover in Jerusalem. It probably was recited as Jesus made id way towards the city of Jerusalem.

Jerusalem has been conquered 40 times and destroyed 17 times in it history. While its name means set you double peace.

The Jerusalem that is now- present day city, Israel’s capital.(Galatians 4.25)

The Jerusalem that is above. The Jerusalem here on earth is a copy of it.
(Galatians 4.26) The Jerusalem that is above is the Heavenly Jerusalem. Where God lives.

The New Jerusalem. The city that will be let down from heaven at the time the earth and the heavens are renovated.

Both are cities of Palms. We see them in both places these palm branches.
The palm is a beautiful tranquil tree. It grows slowly but surely. Biblically it has significance.

Palm trees… Psalm 92.12 The righteous will flourish like a palm tree.
True lasting peace ushers from a righteousness.

Palm trees have come to symbolize a tropical vacation but according to the Word of God they are immeasurably more than that. They mean victory and peace…

And they mean the final settlement of God’ people after a long journey. They were part of the journey but they are at the end as well. In the New Testament we have seen their use. In the Old Testament…

3. Palm Branches had to do with the Feast of Tabernacles- Leviticus 23.40, Nehemiah 8.15
The Passover Feast, Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Day of Atonement were all fulfilled by Jesus. The Passover, Unleavened Bread and the Day of Atonement were fulfilled by Jesus when He died on the cross.
The coming of the Holy Spirit fulfilled the feast of Pentecost.

The only feast yet to be fulfilled is the feast of Tabernacles. That will be fulfilled when Jesus comes again. It is spoken of in the Book of Revelation. Revelation 21.3

Succoth or the Feast of Booths as it was called took place at the harvest. The Jews still celebrate it to this day. It is so interesting. It is to remind them of that journey from Egypt to the Promise Land, Israel. It is celebrated to remind them of the journey. Palms were one of the four trees specified to be used. When we get to heaven there are Palm Branches in the hands of the souls there. They have completed their earthly journey. They have left the bondage of sin, journeyed with the LORD on this earth and are now in the place God has prepared for them.

He has given of peace along the way. The Palm branches speak of this. We have had trouble and Jesus told us plainly we would but in the midst He has given us peace… and now…

4. These Palm Branches in Heaven speak of the peace that is there.

Revelation 21.1-4

5. God wants us to experience His peace in our hearts and lives today on earth.

His peace Jesus left with us.

His will being done on earth as it is in heaven is having His peace in our hearts.

Do you have peace today?

His peace surpasses all understanding.

His peace keeps us in the storms of life.

His peace is not like the world gives and the world cannot take it away!

He is our peace!

The righteous will flourish like the palm.

Is that your relationship with Jesus Christ today?

Spiritually the way to peace with Jesus is to surrender to Him.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The LORD's Day November 2, 2008

Our Sovereign LORD

How long, …LORD?
Revelation 6

Our God is in heaven. He does whatever He pleases. (Job 23.13) When we say this about any other person it is not a compliment! Oh he does whatever he pleases! When that is said about a husband by a wife, I always see a broken or frustrated heart behind it. When it said about a student it means that he is not teachable. When it said about an employee it means does not take orders from his superiors well, a child this means disobedience.

But with God, because He is holy and He is love and in Him there is no darkness at all this is a wonderful truth. He doeth all things well!

However as we walk with the LORD we do not always understand what He is doing. His ways are beyond our finding out. For instance we have seen Him work in very difficult circumstances and sometimes as we walk through them we see God’s Hand weaving events together for our good and His glory. Other times we do not see this and will not see fully until we get to heaven.
Chalk artists when I was a kid- most times not until the end did it make sense… picture in my office of sailor on the sea.

Interestingly as we begin the 7 year tribulation this week in our study of Revelation, we have the saints under the altar asking God when He is going to avenge their blood. They were told to wait a little longer. We learn that it would be in 7 years at the conclusion of the tribulation.

Patient Endurance can also cause a soul to ask this question, “How long, LORD?”

How long…

Psalm 6.3 My soul is in anguish. How long Oh LORD, how long?

Psalm 13.1 How long, Oh LORD, will You forget me forever? How long will you hide Your Face from me?

Psalm 94.3 How long will the wicked, Oh LORD, how long will the wicked be jubilant?

These are questions asked by followers of the LORD. Inner turmoil due to external circumstances, a feeling that they have been abandoned- God is not answering my prayers, struggles with the wicked and understanding why they go on and seem to have no cares- all these things are difficult if they are with us for the long haul.

Notice first of all that although the saints struggle with these things,

1. They are looking to the LORD.

So was the Psalmist!

We can tell the strength of a person’s faith by what they do with their questions. These saints were taking their struggles the LORD in prayer. Their faith was strong. They were going to Jesus with things that perplexed them.

They address Him as Sovereign LORD, holy and true.”
His Holiness
He is the Truth

2. They believe that their struggles are not going to last forever.

Psalm 142.7 - Part of the pain in suffering is the sheer loneliness of it. It is often Jesus and me! Most people do not like being around people who are suffering. Some may come to our aid and we need to let them but on a deeper level friends, even righteous ones, seldom can touch the deep recesses of the pain we are living with. But! If we believe that our struggles are not going to last forever which is exactly what Jesus is telling these dear saints, our hope will remain strong.

I believe this one of the many reasons reading and hearing the words of this prophecy bring a blessing. If we know suffering and struggling and evil are going to be done away with forever, then we have hope. We know there is an end coming. As believers that is such good news!

3. They know God is in control!

That is why they are calling upon Him and asking Him, “How long?”!!! They also know God works His will out even in and through a person’s suffering. (Galatians 4.13)

Notice here that although they did not get immediately what they asked for they did receive something very precious they did not ask for. Each of them was given a white robe - a sign of blessing, purity, assurance and eternal life. The more persecution the more purity you find in the church. Not much health and wealth and feel good stuff when people are dying for their faith in Jesus. They also were given a Word from the LORD- which is really part of His Word. So we see the blessedness of acknowledging God’s Sovereignty in our time of suffering

4. They know God’s power.

He can do anything! And immeasurably more than we can ever ask or imagine!
He cannot lie Titus 1.2
He will never forsake His own.
He never fails.

Nothing is too hard for the LORD!
Genesis 18.14 God asks that question to Abraham regarding the birth of Isaac.
Jeremiah 32.17 Ah Sovereign LORD, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is to hard for You.

Faith- my nephew Stephen reminding me about how God did what the doctors said would not happen with Poppa and used it in reference to Jackson. He spoke to me before the LORD touched my little grandson and after he said, “I told you so Uncle Larry!” It was a rebuke from the LORD for my lack of faith or for allowing the facts to overwhelm my trust in God’s ability to heal out rightly. As I held yesterday I remember all the prayers that went up to heaven for him.

He can bring things (suffering) to an end. And He will when He is ready and when it is the perfect time. How foolish we are when we think we know God’s perfect timing on things. Be like a little child, “Are we there yet?” The song on the kids’ tape- “and Mom and Dad are ready to pull their hair as I quietly whisper, “Are we almost there?”

5.They know as Sovereign LORD He has the final word.

We must trust His Sovereignty. Many times it is beyond our understanding. He knows what is best. His timing is perfect. Interestingly that it was 7 years later He would avenge their blood! Whenever we ask Him how long the answer is always perfect.

How long, LORD?…

A little longer…

It won’t be long.

The end of all things is near.

The LORD is coming! His Kingdom will be come to it fullness soon.

We’ll work til Jesus Comes!